Monday, May 12, 2008

Bike breakdown

I tried to buy shoes today. I failed miserably, but in the process my bike tried to kill me. Johnny lost his chain while I was riding in the middle of traffic on a relatively busy street. I managed to get over to the side without being run over, but it shook me up a lot. When I got home, I was in tears. Not just from being scared, that was just the trigger, I was crying about being stuck here by myself, missing my friends, the disappointment of my house, whether I can even pay for school, all the things that have been stuck on repeat in my brain and I've been trying to ignore. Eventually I got a hold of myself and, with a mental slap in the face, convinced myself that I at least needed to get my bike fixed.

I rode on very low traffic streets and bike paths to get to Full Moon Vista, the bike shop with the funny name that reminds me of River City Bikes. They even have espresso! The mechanic was great and tensioned my chain and tightened my headset for $5 while I tried not to drool on the Campagnolo wool jerseys. I also picked up a calendar of bike events in the state, including races. I've decided that I like this shop. It'll probably be my main bike shop while I'm here.

On the ride home I felt great. I could actually accelerate without worrying about my chain failing on me, so I was flying down beside the beautiful river with a big grin on my face. I then spent a long time looking at the info on all the races and putting them in my calendar. I made an awesome stir fry for dinner with all my fresh veggies from the public market (carrots and broccoli and zucchini, oh my!). There will be leftovers for tomorrow too. I'm doing my best to eat healthy, and to that end have started tracking what I eat. It's interesting, and I've had a few surprises as to what's actually in my favorite foods. Granola is a sneaky little bugger.

Anyway, I think I've rallied well from my little breakdown this morning, and while I wish I had gotten more accomplished today (I still need those white sneakers!), I've got time. One week, in fact, before classes start and life gets much more interesting. Oh, and my road bike should be here tomorrow. I think that'll warrant a ride to Lake Ontario, don't you?

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