Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Clearly Monday was too optimistic

This one is going to be another quick and dirty list.

1. The wedding was beautiful and I had a lot of fun with all my Oregon (and other) friends.
2. I made it back to Rochester without a problem and even got a 3 hour nap on the floor of the Philadelphia airport.
3. Sarah kidnapped me for hanging out on Monday and I fell asleep on her couch after dinner. Ronen was kind enough to drive me home.
4. I've started my Acute Care clinical. It's a lot more exciting than Long Term Care was. I'll elaborate more about clinicals when I'm less busy (read: after August 15th).
5. I emailed my landlord and there will be bat-proofers coming to check out the house either Saturday or Monday. Apparently after the initial bullying attempt he becomes a reasonable person.
6. I have an RIT student coming tomorrow night to check out my room and the house to see if he would like to sublet. Therefore the rest of the night will be spent cleaning and then collapsing in bed.

And finally, a plea for help. My suitcases were stored in the basement and apparently that was a poor choice, because they are now filled with bugs and spiders and various creatures that I don't want in my stuff (not sure about bats). Any ideas on how to rid said suitcases of said critters?

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