Monday, June 9, 2008

Sexy research

Apparently you guys think I should study either condoms or prostitution... I dunno what that says about me, or you, but I'm sure it's something. I've emailed the coordinator for the condom use study because that one sounds the best to me. I would actually be able to sit in on sessions with participants and do transcription of interviews, which would be fun.

Today was still hot. Katherine ended up being unable to ride with me, but I still went out for about an hour this morning on Paris. It was nice and relaxing, except for the sweat dripping all over me. Everyone at school seemed shocked that I was still riding my bike in this heat, but then they would go sit outside during class breaks. I think they're all insane.

I'm probably not going to race tomorrow night, since the forecast calls for a high of 86 with accompanying thunderstorms and potential large hail. Doesn't that sounds like fun. At least it'll be cooler. The low at night will actually drop to 70ish tonight, which will be a welcome relief. As an example of how brutally awful the heat is, there was a pro bike race in Philadelphia (about 3 hours away) this weekend. 190 men started, less than 50 finished. And these guys get paid for this.

I'm having other problems with the weather. All of my bread is going moldy. Until this past week I'd been keeping everything in the cupboard because fridge space is limited. Well, half a loaf of bread got covered in black fuzzy stuff in just s couple of days, so anything that has survived is now refrigerated. The thing that really puzzles me, though, is that my bagels got moldy. Why is this a puzzlement? They were in the freezer. How does mold grow in the freezer? I know they weren't moldy when I put them in there, but I went to toast one this morning and it was covered in little white spots. I thought maybe it was just from freezing, so I warmed the bagel up a little, and turns out the white spots smelled like mold. And they were on all 10 of the bagels in that bag. Rochester must breed super-molds or something, I just don't get it.

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