Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crazy weekend fun

Last night was the East End Festival and a night out with the main social crowd from school. We were celebrating Jessica and Eric's birthdays, or at least that was the excuse for the outing. I managed to get a ride into town with a group of girls that I'm getting to know pretty well, including a Sarah from Portland. You guys might get to meet her between semesters, I think she'll be going home too.

Anyway, we met at a British pub called the Old Toad. I sadly didn't get the chance to see much of it, since we were running late and whisked off to the festival. The festival was all local bands playing on several different stages. Think loud, crowded, lots of beer and greasy food, people cheering for no reason, etc. It was a lot of fun, except for the 90 degree heat with extra humidity. Every time a breeze picked up there was a lull in the noise as we all stopped to make the most of it.

While standing in line with the group for beer, a random guy I'd never seen before (clearly very drunk) put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You are so..." and then couldn't finish the sentence. So Kristina, who was standing beside me offered some help, suggesting "Beautiful, gorgeous, ravishing, lovely..." and on and on. He decided to agree with "all of the above," I was bright red at this point and wanting to go hide in the crowd, but couldn't figure out a graceful exit. He probably noticed this and then stalled me by asking if I would like a beer. I was so surprised I didn't answer, but Kristina answered for me, saying that I would absolutely like a beer. She also told him what kind. So I ended up getting free beer, having hardly said a coherent word since the moment he accosted me. Of course, when he handed me the beer he asked if I had a boyfriend. The answer was an emphatic yes. I don't think he was too disappointed, since he promptly turned around and bought beer for the next girl in line.

I think the highlight of the East End fest was a country-ish group with an enormous man in overalls doing the worm across the stage to Sweet Home Alabama. It was definitely a sight I will never forget.

The festival ended at 11, so we went out to a place called the Blue Room afterward. They were playing music from when most of us were teenagers, so we danced like idiots and did a lot of giggling. I got home around 1am, completely worn out, drenched with sweat from the heat and dancing, and feeling quite happy with my Friday on the town.

When I woke up this morning it was only slightly cooler outside. But, I had to get food, so I went to the market and Wegmans and did my grocery shopping. I tried to convince myself to get on Paris and do a workout, but it just wasn't going to happen. So I tried to convince myself to work on my Nursing Science paper, but that was almsot impossible with sweat dripping off my face onto my keyboard. According to the thermostat it was 80 degrees inside the house by about 2pm. It only got hotter throughout the day. So I fled to Muddy Waters for air conditioning and caffeine to get me through my paper writing. It was remarkably successful, and I'm now pretty much done with the assignment and have caught up with my Pharm reading. I also managed to put together the two videos in the previous post and spend a lot of time joking around with the barista.

This barista was very funny, sarcastic and inappropriate. For most of the day (I was there from 2:30-9:30 except for a short dinner break) I was the only other person in the shop. A few examples of his (funny) inappropriateness: We complained about the weather and he suggested starting a commune in the shop and invited me to join the commune because, "I'll need women to help me populate it." Then, when I got back from dinner and said something about the weather not being nice he said, "Like Mormons at your door trying to convert you not nice, or the people who throw the Mormons out not nice?" Oh, and my personal favorite was when I bought my second drink from him he gave me 50% off just for hanging around all day. But he said, "I'm only giving it to you half price because I put something special in there just for you. *wink* If you start feeling a little woozy, let me know, it means the rufies is working." We then went on to describe an advertising campaign for the shop that included, "It's a great place to bring a date! Free rohypnol with every drink!" I blame all of this on heat stroke.

So, things I have learned this weekend:
1. Keep your mouth shut and you might get free drinks.
2. Get used to a constant layer of glistening sweat, since it reappears immediately after showering.
2a. Sunscreen only works for a little while, since the glistening layers of sweat get rid of it pretty fast.
2b. Sweaty sunburnt skin should not come into contact with a leather couch. If it does, it hurts a lot when removed from the leather.
3. Air conditioning is one of the best inventions ever.
4. Become a coffee shop bum and get free barista entertainment plus cheap coffee.
5. Chocolate peanut butter blended iced coffee is right up there with air conditioning.

Oh, and maybe some stuff about pharmacology too. By the way, I got a 96% on my last pharm test. And I have no exams this week, which is a small miracle unto itself. Tomorrow I will do a workout on my bike, I promise. I ight also go shopping for more summer clothes.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I loved your description of the weather. So far I have got one paper done and am doing the next. All 3 are due on Wednesday - fortunately no tests.
People who can take tests are my heroes!
Wait till the winter you will get the other extreme. You forget all that living in temperate Portland.!