Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The heat is gone!

It rained this afternoon, and I had a little celebration inside my head. It's now a very comfortable 80ish degrees and not very humid and smells like fresh rain. It's even cool inside the house, for the first time since Friday.

I met my other roommate tonight. He was just moving some stuff tonight and will be officially moving in on the 19th. I don't know where he's coming from or anything about him, but he seemed like a nice enough guy.

This week has been pretty laid back at school, but everyone is looking at next week's schedule with awe and dread. Here's a taste of what we have to do on top of our usual class schedule:
Monday: Genetics pedigree assignment due
Tuesday: Medication proficiency test
Wednesday: Cardiovascular Assessment SOAP write-up due
Thursday: Health Assessment test, Pharm test

The big problem is that the only thing that can be done ahead of time is the pedigree. I won't do the CV assessment until Friday, so I can't start that until the weekend, and we won't finish covering the material for the Thursday tests until Tuesday in class. I'll start studying over the weekend, but I have a feeling that Wednesday will be a long night no matter what.

I need more ideas for things to bring with me to class that I can eat throughout the day. Fruit is good, and PBJ is good, but that starts to get old. Anything that I can eat in class would be ideal, since I have a lot of three hour classes and tend to fall asleep if I don't get something to eat. If only my bagels hadn't been attacked by the Rochester super-mold. Maybe it's time to start making trail mix.

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