Part of the care package I got last month was a collection of seeds. Some were just in the usual packets, but there was also a sheet of handmade paper with seeds embedded inside. The instructions on the paper said to just plant it directly into some soil and the seed will grow, so that's what I did. These are my little improvised pots, each with a section of the paper planted in it. From left to right they originally contained peanut butter, salsa, and gatorade. I'll keep the seedlings in there until they get too big and then improvise something else... maybe a milk jug or cottage cheese container :)
I planted the papers on Friday morning, and today found my first little green sprout! I have no idea what it is, since the seeds were just a collection of wildflowers. With luck, it'll survive long enough for me to figure out what it is. I'll keep you updated on its progress.
Yay for sprouts! Do you remember the jolly green giant and his friend the little green sprout? So cute.
It'll be so fun to see what they are.
Since that post Sprout #2 popped up. Looks like the paper thing really works!
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