Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ugh, winter

The worst thing about winter in Rochester is that I can't go outside. Well, I can, but it's extremely uncomfortable after about 15 minutes and there's nothing that I can do out there because the whole world is covered in snow and ice. Winter activities are too expensive, and building snowmen just isn't going to cut it. So, I'm stuck inside watching TV and pretending to study. Ugh.

Also, the comments I'm getting on my previous post are pretty hilarious. All these people that I've never met that clearly have a pretty strong agenda. Just so we're clear on this, I would not refuse to assist with a circumcision procedure. Even though I disagree with the practice, it is not my place to pass judgment on the choices of other families. I have pretty strong feelings about the law mentioned in one of the comments that allows healthcare providers to withhold services that they object to on moral grounds. But, since I have no plans to ever work as an OB or pediatric nurse, I imagine the issue will not come up during my career.

Now back to reading for the test that I have to take in about an hour. Yay.

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